*優惠條款及細則 | Terms and Conditions
* 此優惠只限有效VIP會員本人於生日當月享有,並只在銅鑼灣中心使用。
* 優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用。
* 優惠可於生日當月1號起開始使用。
* 購買護膚產品優惠中只限購買正價貨品,而同款產品數量最多只可購買3個。
* Fusion Skin & Health保留更改、增加、刪除此優惠條款及細則的權利,且不需提前通知。
* 如有任何爭議,Fusion Skin & Health保留最終決定權。
* This promotion is only available to valid VIP members and is valid during their birthday month. It can only be used at the Causeway Bay center.
* The promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers.
* The promotion can be used starting from the 1st day of the member’s birthday month.
* The purchase of skincare products is limited to full-priced items, and a maximum of 3 of the same products can be purchased.
* Fusion Skin & Health reserves the right to change, add, or delete these terms and conditions without prior notice.
* In case of any disputes, Fusion Skin & Health reserves the right to make the final decision.